Nick Holland's Quick Guide to OpenBSD

This is *NOT* in any way a comprehensive OpenBSD guide.  Do NOT confuse it for one!  This is not to make you an OpenBSD master, but rather to take someone who is very fluent with Operating System concepts, and has experience with other systems, and knows the tasks they have to perform, but are just trying to figure out where they go to perform them in OpenBSD

This is something I have tossed together to help my clients do day-to-day administration of their newly installed OpenBSD systems.  I will draw comparisons to other OSs when I can, most often DOS/Windows and Novell Netware.  Much (but NOT ALL!) of what I say here is applicable to most  Unix-Like Operating Systems (ULOS), such as Linux, FreeBSD, and of course, Unix.  In these cases, I have used the phrase "Unix" where I should probably have used "Unix-Like Operating Systems".

Virtually NOTHING of what I have listed here is anything close to comprehensive, but rather, is stripped to the bone and concrete examples are given to help you get to work, not make you a system administrator.

File Naming Conventions

Case Counts:  In OpenBSD, as in all Unix-like systems, file and directory names are case sensitive.  Whereas Window9x will remember the case you save a file name in, but access the file regardless of case, you can have the files Nick, nick, NICK and nIck as four different and totally unrelated files under Unix.  By convention, most file names under Unix are in completely lower case, but that is just convention, and there are plenty of violations.  Be aware that a directory search for files matching 'n*' would only display 'nick' and 'nIck', but would not display 'Nick' and 'NICK'.  Unix considers the letters 'n' and 'N' every bit as different as 'a' and 'b'.

File Names:  Ready for this?  Virtually any character you want is a valid character in a file name.  The one hard exception to this is the character '/', which is reserved as the directory separator.  A firm exception is the binary 0x0 character, apparently it is legal, but likely to REALLY cause problems with many programs, not to mention being hard to type.  Spaces are quite legal, but again, really a pain to deal with, and I'll advice you against them, although a Unix system administrator will probably want to know how, as it will happen.  I would avoid backslashes, again they are a pain to deal with.  I can see rare places where a leading '-' characters could cause problems, but that should be very rare. As for a limit to the number of characters you can have in a file name, don't worry about the OSs limits.  Long names will cause the users far more trouble than it will the OS.

Extensions:  DOS and Windows users are used to a three-letter extenuation to indicate the type of a file, separated by a period from the file name.  Unix has NO concept of "extension" in the OS itself -- it is just a one-part file name.  Whereas the "." isn't actually stored in DOS file names, it is a literal part of the file name in Unix, and is precisely the same as any other valid character.  Thus, there are no separate limits to the length of the file extension (if any) in Unix.  Nor, is there any limit to the "number" of extensions, as there is no such thing as an extension -- it is just something a user tacked on to make it clear to the user what it is.

For example:
   ports        may be a directory.
   ports.tar     may be the contents of the directory 'tar'ed into an archive using the tar program
   ports.tar.gz  may be the above tar file compressed using gzip.  But, maybe not.  It could just be a file called ports.tar.gz.

If you plan to untar the above ports.tar file, if you lived in the DOS world, you might expect you could just specify the name 'ports' minus the '.tar' extension.  You would be wrong.  In virtually all Unix commands, you must spell out the entire file name, the '.tar' won't be assumed, it is just there because someone thought you might appreciate it.  The programs are typically quite indifferent.  If you could remember that ports.tar was a tar file, you could always rename it "fred".

Directory and file name separators: Directories and file names are separated by forward slashes, not the back slashes that DOS uses.  So, for example while DOS might use:
Unix would do something like:
It was pointed out to me that I should point out who screwed up.  The original DOS v1 didn't have subdirectories, so they used forward slashes to indicate command options.  When they put subdirectories in DOS v2, the forward slash was already in "common" use as a command option indicator, so MS in their incredible (lack of) foresight, chose to use back slashes, something which has caused no end of trouble for programmers and users ever since.

Disk Identifiers:  DOS and Windows users are used to referencing physical drives by letters, i.e.,. A: being a floppy, C: being your hard disk, say E: being your CD-ROM, F: being your network server.  Unix does not do this.

Unix considers the whole "file system" as a tree.  The "root" of the tree is referred to as / and anchors the entire tree.  The root of the file system is normally the booting hard disk, but things can get weird.  All other physical or logical partitions are mounted at some point on the tree.  Philosophies on this vary greatly.  I believe in everything in one partition unless there is an overriding reason to do otherwise -- and there is often an overriding reason.

An example:
    /     Might be a small, 100M partition
    /usr  might be a bigger, 1G partition
    /var  might be a big 3G partition
but it all is hanging off the same root.

Before you can use anything like your CD-ROM or floppy drive, you must deliberately mount the volume.  This is very contrary to DOS convention, but typical for any multi-user system.  You don't change media without verifying that no one else is using it!

Maneuvering around in the directory tree:

cd     Change Directory, just like DOS, well, sorta.  cd entered without a parameter returns you to your "home" directory.

mkdir  Make Directory.  Just like DOS, except most of us got lazy and started using the DOS shorthand, MD, which is NOT a Unix command.

rmdir  Remove Directory, again just like DOS, but again, Unix does not accept the DOS shorthand of RD

rm     Remove (delete) a file
    USEFUL (but DANGEROUS!) VARIANT: rm -r dirname   This will recursively delete all files within a directory, then remove the directory itself.  Much like the DOS DELTREE command, but it doesn't ask you to verify every subdirectory.  It assumes you told it to do what you wanted it to do.  This is where the danger comes from.

ls     List Directory contents, similar to the DOS DIR command, except by default, less information is displayed.  Other useful variations:
    ls -l   "long" listing, including details like the access rights, the owner of the file, size of the file and date of the file, etc.
    ls -a   list "all" files and directories, including those that start with '.' (which normally hides them)

mv     Move a file.  DOS has two commands which attempt to duplicate this single command: REN (to rename a file in place) and MOVE (to relocate a file to another place in the file system).

VERY useful Unix commands, and typical syntax:

Keep in mind this is just an INTRODUCTION to these commands!  Most of these commands have MANY more options than this.

man      The Unix Manual command.  As a friend of mine puts it, "man is your friend!".  Usage: man vi will bring up the man pages on the vi program.  man -k tcp  will bring up a list of command which relate to tcp (actually, it is searching for the text 'tcp' in the man pages)

more      A "filter" program which pauses the output of another program at the end of each screen, popping up a prompt to have you hit a key to continue.  Compared to the DOS MORE command, the OpenBSD more does, well, more.  Hitting ENTER will advance the screen one line.  Hitting space will advance an entire screen.  Hitting 'B' will roll BACK a screen.  Up and down arrows will often do exactly what you would expect, as will PGUP and PGDN under many circumstances.  Typical use:
    ls |more
One can also use more as a file viewer, by entering the file name on the command line:
    more readme.txt
Older Unix manuals might suggest using the cat command to view files.  Use more instead.  Much nicer command.  Note that not all Unix-like OSs have as full-featured a more command as OpenBSD.

vi      A full screen text editor.  Also a chapter (book...) in and of itself.  Word 2000 it is not, but it is a very powerful, very capable editor, but your preconceptions of what an editor is are best left behind.  Before condemning it as difficult and unusable, consider that most Unix OSs were written in vi.  Assume any "limitations" you identify in the program are limits of your understanding, not design flaws of the program and you will be happier.

su       "Substitute User" or sometimes "Superuser": Assume the abilities of another user.  If no user name is specified (a common use if not THE most common use), the program will attempt to grant you the rights of the "superuser", root.  Obviously, the program doesn't just switch users for you, you have to have the required password.  Most modern Unix-like systems do not permit you to log in directly as root from anywhere but the system console, so to remotely administer a Unix system, you log in as a normal user and su to root.  It also has the advantage of letting you quickly jump in and out of "administrator mode".  A useful variation is to run
        su -
which changes the user's ID, and also processes startup files, just as if you had logged in as the root (or whatever) user.

shutdown   Halts the system.  Typical usage:
    shutdown -h now    Starts an immediate shutdown to a halted state.
    shutdown -r now    Starts an immediate shutdown and eventual reboot.

adduser   Interactive program to add a new user to the system.  Fairly self-explanatory when run.

rmuser    Removes a user from the system.

vipw      (OpenBSD specific) Directly edit the user information database files.  In old Unix systems, this was the file /etc/passwd, but in OpenBSD, /etc/passwd is actually just a shadow of the "real" user information database.  Many Unix applications require access to the passwd file to pull out important user information.  Unfortunately, in the standard /etc/passwd your password is sitting right there, yes encrypted, but crackable.  This moves this information to a file that can be only accessed by root.  For this reason, do not directly edit /etc/passwd -- you will find your changes being undone!

tar    Tape Archive.  Very powerful Unix command.  You need much more information than what I give here, but here are a couple very useful command lines:
     tar cvf dest source... Creates an archive to the File dest consisting of all the specified source files and directories, and be Verbose about it.  A SCSI tape drive on an OpenBSD is typically /dev/st0, so to backup the /usr, /home, /etc directories to tape, you could use:
      tar cvf /dev/st0 /usr /home /etc
(It has been pointed out to me that having the leading slash on the source paths is not a good idea on many ULOSs, but this is not an issue under OpenBSD.  Be forewarned.)

     tar xvf source eXtracts the contents of the tar File named source to the current directory, again Verbosely naming all the files as it does its job.  To extract the contents of the tape to the current directory, you could use this command:
     tar xvf /dev/st0

With tar, you will definitely want to RTFM.  But some starting command lines are really nice to have.

Important files in an OpenBSD system

There are many configuration files in an OpenBSD system, although I have found them amazingly easy to work with.
/etc/myname          The system name.

/etc/passwd          The user-accessable user list.  Don't edit this file, it isn't the place where "real" information is stored!

/etc/adduser.conf    Default new user information

/etc/rc.conf:        Lots of system startup options.

/etc/motd            Message Of The Day.  The contents of the file are displayed when a user logs into the system.

Networking configuration
/etc/mygate          The system default gateway

/etc/hostname.*      The configuration information for each interface card (i.e., hostname.ep0 would describe the ep0 interface), including ip address.

/etc/resolv.conf    Name server information

/etc/hosts           Other systems accessible on the network

/etc/dhcpd.conf:     DHCP server configuration

/etc/dhcpd.interfaces Interfaces that DHCP server should serve.

/etc/inetd.conf      Internet server configuration (which services will autostart)

/etc/ipf.rules       IP Filter rules

/etc/ipnat.rules     IP Network Address Translation rules files

/etc/sysctl.conf     sysctl settings to be set at boot.  Check net.inet.ip.forwarding!

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(C)opyright 2000, Nick Holland.