You know you are an Old Timer in the small computer
world when:
By Nick Holland
You know that IBM did not invent the desktop computer
You remember names like Osborne, Sol, AIM, Pet, Sinclair, Altair, Elf.
You remember numbers like 8008, 8080, 1802, 6502, 6800.
You remember when a cassette tape system was an upgrade.
You remember when a floppy drive was a major upgrade, and two was HEAVEN.
You remember when a 250k 8" floppy seemed like SO MUCH STORAGE SPACE!!
You remember operating systems other than MS-DOS and Macintosh.
You once had calluses on your finger tips from flipping toggle switches.
You remember when a mouse was the creature that built a nest in your OLD
You remember when an operating system, a word processor and a document
all fit in 48K of RAM.
You remember trying to figure out what you would do with 64K of RAM.
You remember coveting your neighbors 1200 baud modem.
You know that PIP is more than a printing shop.
You remember when Meg was a woman's name and had little to do with computers.
You remember when Gig was something that a band did, and any connection
with computers was inconceivable.
You paid over $3000 for a machine with just floppy drives and 256k or less
of RAM.
You invested over $5000 in the above machine before it was retired.
You have to fight the urge to smack someone who complains that $1500 is
a lot of money to spend for a machine with 128M of RAM and a 16G hard disk
and a 64 bit processor.
You recall paper tape. (bonus: have USED paper tape!)
You once calculated how much paper tape it would take to back up the new,
cutting edge, 10M hard disks (hint: 10 bytes per inch) and laughed about
how far we had come.
You remember the videotape backup system.
You laugh at those that call 5.25" disks "The BIG disks".
You have seen a computer boot an OS completely off floppy disk in 4 seconds
-- computers that today are called "slow".
You have seen a useful application that fit in 2K of RAM.
You have programmed a computer with less than 4K of RAM
You consider a soldering iron a program development tool.
You recall what CP/M is.
You recall when an operating system took up a trivial part of a hard disk's
You recall when data took up more space than programs.
You recall when commercial programs didn't just crash for no apparent reason.
You know hex is not just a curse.
You know split octal is not bifocals.
You know the difference between Hard Sector and Soft Sector floppies.
You consider assembler a High Level Language.
(C)opyright 1996-2000, Nick Holland
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